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An Adventure is going into the unknown and becoming a trailblazer


Using adventure as a platform to enrich the learning experience which can be organised as high or low impact courses. These activities usually involves collaborative learning experiences with a high level of physical and often emotional challenge. 


A teaching and learning strategy by integrating with the community creates a meaningful and enriching learning experience. Where community spirit is strengthened as part of giving back to the community. 


Promoting respect and understanding of different cultures hence allowing cultures to flourish in their diversity. It is fundamental that nations understand each other’s values and norms for a long lasting relationship


Understanding the fragility of our environment and the importance  of their protection. Promoting environmental awareness is the simplest way to share and educate the community to create a brighter future for the generations to come.


Creating sustainable practices that impacts the community has taken on a new perspective, no longer are sustainable practices a physical constrain as with technology nowadays we are able to move into new-age platform where everything can be done online.


To take on the perspective of another and empathize with others from diverse backgrounds and to understand social and ethical norms for behavior, and to recognize family, school, and community resources and supports.

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